KT on Patreon
If I were to do a Patreon-first, temporarily exclusive series on Patreon how many of you would consider supporting this reward for 5 a month? It would mean almost weekly chapter updates. This patronage would help support the release of more books on Amazon while also rewarding you with weekly material for you to read.
I also, as many of you know, crave your input and love when I do a long series and get you all talking. There are scenes I have for upcoming books that I would love for you to read but I have to wait till the whole book is done. I love the immediacy of Patreon. I put out a chapter when it's done. We talk about it. It shapes the future of the story . . .
So, if I did a series on Patreon, what would you most want to read? Keep in mind, it has to be something new. The ongoing series on Amazon all have some weird exclusivity thing with Amazon because of Kindle Unlimited—and my own rule: any series I started in KU has to finish in KU. The point of the Patreon would be to help free some more time for me to finish my ongoing stories. The Patreon-first series is to thank you for your patronage.
The Patreon would also include a tier that would show erotic drawings conjured up from the already published KT stories, and you could vote for the next drawing and even make suggestions of scenes you need to see illustrated.

Here are my series possibilities:
A) a high school bully who hooks up with a guy's wife after a five year reunion then insinuates himself into their life, working one against the other, tormenting the husband, taunting and humiliating while he rocks the wife’s world, the whole while her thinking this is a secret affair she hates that she craves, meanwhile hubby knows everything that’s going on. High humiliation.
B) A guy who finds out his grad school wife is supplementing her meager waitressing income by performing oral sex on wealthy guys for money. Hubby finds out, is devastated yet erotically thrilled. He wants more… Hotwife adventure.
C) An engaged couple where the handsome doctor fiancé is worried that his wife thinks about her one-that-got-away, a handsome soldier called away on duty. He’s back in the U.S. now, out of the force, connects with her. Her fiance allows her one weekend, the one she missed with him before he was called for duty. They go away kayaking and camping in the woods while her man sits and stews working out why he wanted her to do this. Is it more than just making sure she’s sure? Isn’t there a little part of him enthralled with the idea of her with another man…? Hotwife soap opera, poly relationship.
D) A young couple heading off to college has spent the summer apart. Just before her bf comes home she has a sexual fling with his older brother. Once the bf is back, she tries to stop thinking about her bf’s older brother, and much to the bf’s chagrin, his bigger brother also begins to work himself into their relationship, looking for a lot more. High humiliation.
E) A bully story where a man’s wife works for a charity close to the heart of a famous baseball player who begins a friendship with her. The ball player enjoys tormenting the husband, letting him know all the things his wife is into while his wife only believes she’s having an affair. High humiliation.
So please let me know what you think! I've had a terrible month in real life, but the clouds are clearing and I want to go into the winter pumping out tons of material for you . . .